
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Okopua is ready!!!

Okopua Living room
Our house, Okopua is finally (almost) ready!!. There is still the second floor to finish, and one of the bathrooms still needs some work, but it is now a true home!! As you can see, it is beautiful and full of light and Theo has put a lot of love into the decoration with her trinkets.

Beautiful hand made shipibo cloths decorate the tables, we have a fitted kitchen, the bedrooms are finished (with details missing as always), all the nets are installed, we have fresh drinking water from the spring and much, much more that will be revealed in the next article- very soon- with more photos
New fitted kitchen

View from the dining room
Atlas Ferd holding the cabinets (not the cosmos)

View of the dining room from the outside

Firepit finished and Altar has a roof!!

Ryan, an argonaut of the 8th Voyage, relaxing with Ferd

The firepit has now benches, seen from the altar
The finished firepit and the altar with its new thatched roof
Well, we have finished the firepit with orange colored benches and Bruce, our number one employee and the best can do guy there is, built an amazing thatched roof in absolutely no time in order to protect the altar from the rain and the sun.                                             We have also designed and had made beautifully comfortable loungers and our July Mythic Voyage Argonauts took full advantage of them, lying in the sun and enjoying the sounds of the monkeys, the birds and all the animals that create the jungle symphony!!!
Bruce is our can-do guy!!

The everyday life of the Shipibo at TierraMitica
Amelia in full concentration

Our Shipibo maestras and maestros have settled very well in their tambo in TierraMitica. Although there are still things being fixed, they seem very happy with their home with us, cooking their traditional dishes and especially preparing masato, their traditional drink of yucca, camote and brown sugar from sugarcane (they drink prodigious quantities of the stuff).
 They also embroider their amazing hand made Shipibo cloths, they make bracelets out of jungle seeds, carve beautiful ceremonial pipes and much, much more!!

Amalia cooking with Ruben relaxing
Juanita with Teresa
Teresa stirring the masato
Juanita embroidering her cloths

Maestro Ruben, a powerful soul