The TierraMíticans found their way to the website again, OOOOH YEAH!!!
For the past few months, it was very quiet on the blog, but that is not at all the case for life at TierraMítica! Shit is happening and the work has been accelerating big time.
We want to share our experiences with our family and stay connected. It is our intention to give updates about our adventures on a regular basis from now on. And as you know, guys, intention is what WILL happen, no matter what! Enjoy!
What happened with TierraMítica in the second half of 2013…
Bram decided to leave for a while, we are very thankful for everything he did for TierraMítica. He was amongst many other things an amazing chef, musician and of course the man of the blog.
Loretta left after a stay of nine months, she left her life in Greece and now she is travelling across South America. Afterwards she will stay in TierraMítica forever :) , we are looking forward to see her (and hear her amazing laugh) again.
Two TierraMíticans joined the family in June, Wendy and Jake! Jake is a kick ass Australian guy, who discovered he is a top notch chef. Taste his fishburgers, they are awesome, just like him! Our wonderful Wendy is now a permanent member of TierraMítica, she gives her love to everything and everybody here.
More recently, four new volunteers joined, our population doubled and we like! Welcome to Lies (November 2013), Galina, Jens and Åsa (December 2013)! All of them were Argonauts before and came back to live another adventure, to do the work, to practice, to create, but most of all to be happy and have fun.

Magic is happening all around, like in the smallest bedroom of TierraMítica, our Pequeño. Lies is creating a magical world full of mythical beings. Every day is another surprise, beautiful creatures are manifesting themselves on the walls and ceiling.
TierraMítica is evolving and growing in every way. We bought a new piece of land and the most beautiful gate in the world now stands proudly at the main road, for everybody to see. After entering this portal of magic, a tipi appears on the horizon. He stands in the center of Lakota, our Indian village, together with his friends the Temascal and the Hammock Brothers, waiting for you guys to jump in on the fun.
2013 was a year full of magic and we ended in style with the mythical wedding on New Year’s Eve of Jens and Åsa. Everybody put their energy, love and intention to create this fairytale wedding. Ordinary chairs were turned into majestic thrones, plain wooden handrails started growing the most beautiful flowers, and candles were magically floating on the water. Like a real Cinderella, Åsa lost her shoe just before midnight and her beautiful prince, Jens, came to rescue her. When the clock struck 12, Mikis joined them both as husband and wife.
These are a few highlights of all that has happened here the past months, the spirit of TierraMítica is alive and kicking!
So stay tuned, brothers and sisters, more news is coming soon!
From TierraMítica, with love,
Wendy and Lies