
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Yin and Yang Mythic Voyage

The first ever Yin and Yang Mythic Voyage is happening.
It is going to take place from Saturday November 29th until Saturday, December 13th and it is a very special event.
  It is special in that it only accepts Argonauts, people who have already taken a Mythic Voyage in TierraMitica. People who understand and consciously choose as their intention and priority in life their happiness.
  It is special because it will last a full 15 days, the longest and deepest Mythic Voyage ever by a huge margin. It will be deeply transformative as a result, and a true test of intention.
  It is special because it is dedicated to the dimensions of sensuality, sexuality and polarity. The sensual dimension is the interaction between our senses and the universe, it is our bridge between the manifested and the unmanifested, the potentiality, ideas, inspirations, insights, feelings, choices. The integral polarity of everything that provides the spark for everything, the poetry, symmetry and elegance of all.
  It is special because it will involve Ayahuasca ceremonies, and traditionally sexuality is prohibited in ceremonies. It is the first time that we will go fully focused and with specific intentions to explore our sexuality deeply, and navigate the beauty of our animalistic primality fully entwined and in sacred dance with our spirituality and internal morality.
  It is special because it will attempt to see the whole world through the looking glass of polarity. Polarity is what provides every spark, all life, through every inhalation and exhalation, through the masculine and the feminine viewed as the ever changing and the immovable, through the creation out of what was a fleeting thought. We will explore the mechanisms of creating polarity and thus the spark of passion on demand and ways to do this on our own, internally and also in relationship, in concert.
  It is special because it will envision a path to happinness and enlightenment together, the masculine and the feminine hand in hand, helping each other through complementarity rather than competition. Two people together, aligned and dancing to a common, agreed, co created music.
  It is special because it will teach tantric and other sexual and sensual practices that will be practiced individually and in couples, each person rotating and practicing with whatever partner, but also to be practiced internally, under the Grandmothers veil, under a totally magical dimension.

  It is also particularly special, because it will introduce the Meth & Ciza sexual spiritual practice for couples, existing or future, designed to continuously enhance passion during the relationship instead of allowing it to dwindle and wither as usually happens. It is a new concept for human erotic relationship to be introduced during this particular workshop after years of learning and research. A way to create intense, magically liberated freeflowing and unstressed sexuality while at the same time introducing buttons to automatically reverse bad energies in the couple. It is Wow and it works!

The cost will be 2,800 US Dollars due to the long duration of this very special Yin and Yang Mythic Voyage.
Each application, except from couples, will be provisional until a member of the opposite sex registers. Then, and omly then can we lock a registration and only then will you be asked to send a downpayment since we need an equal number of man and women. Homosexuals can choose and declare dominant energy.

Practices will be intensely sensual and sexual energetically but not physically, there will be no physical sexuality. Couples will be able to practice with each other as much as with every other person. Apply early, places will be limited.
This is going to be the coolest workshop I have ever done! > Mikis

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