
Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Wedding of the Year

The TierraMiticans who found love
Sweet secrets

Wedding Cake
 Sara Villeneuve and Ferdinand Tongston are the first new TierraMiticans. They joined us volunteers from the beginning and grew to love Tierra Mitica, the land, the project and the soul.They are now fully committed to Tierra Mitica and have joined their lives with the project, the holy work of helping people find love, vision and clarity in their lives and the art of creating Tierra Mitica. They learned to love everything about it and are amazing guides giving love, presence and insight to all those who come here to seek their transformation.
In the process, they fell in love with everything and everybody in Tierra Mitica, including each other and chose to walk (or fly?) a common path in life.
Their friendship started quickly and grew beautifully, each one supporting the other fully in their own, personal transformations towards happiness and openness and their romantic union is recent but decisive and full of intention.

Thus, they decided on New Year's Eve to fully commit fearlessly to a life together and asked to be joined and blessed in their decision that very day. 
Members of the community and happy Argonauts that had recently finished the December Mythic Voyage alike created with their heart amazing flower thrones , flower gates and candle lit flower strewn passageways and spectacular art in the Yoga deck by the main water fall over the natural pool , baked them a wedding cake while others were fighting the weather and delayed buses to pick up Spyro who arrived at the last moment to make it just on time to participate in the ceremony and the party just on the change of year 2012. 

Chocolate, Honey Cinnamon cream and Mango cake!! Yummy!!!
Our thanks to Jens who directed the efforts and to Hase and Matias, our Swedish friends and brothers for ever who gave their hearts to helping and everybody in Tierra Mitica who is our human family.

With Ruben, our master Ayahuasquero
 The wedding was an amazing ending to an amazing year, a year of creativity, transformation, creation, openness, hard work and endless challenges that have been part of the process of creating Tierra Mitica : The healing center, the community, the work of Art, our home, our lives, our offering, our purpose, our hearts.

May they be happy for this and many lives!!!

The wedding dinner

Union on flower thrones

Why are words needed?
Blessing Sara and Ferd as the first TierraMiticans
 They are the first TierraMiticans, inhabitants of a place and a community of beauty and their Union date is carved artfully for ever on the wood of the Yoga deck, a monument to their path and love.

 Sitting on their flower thrones they received the gifts and blessings of the community, the friends and our Shipibo shamans. 

Happy Happy Happy Happy
We all felt deeply their love, their commitment, their happiness and their intention to keep openning to each other and the human family, supporting each other through thick and thin in the beautiful adventure that is life.

Here comes the bride.....papapapam!

 Sara was shining, spectacularly beautiful and Ferd was in full presence and love.



  1. from far far away, I wish my old old and dearest friend sara and her love all the happiness in the world!

  2. All the blessings and only the very best wishes for the new couple!
    You will always be in my heart. I love you!
